We are one of the main Academies in Madrid, with 15-20 players from our Club signing up annually for professional teams.
Players of the stature of Marcos Alonso (Chelsea), Juan Miguel Latasa (Real Madrid), Martín Pascual (Villarreal), Chinchurreta (Getafe), are among the hundreds that have passed through our Academy.
Our First Team always includes players from our Academy.
We have both women’s and men's sections and we have teams in the highest competitions in all categories. We are always giving our players the opportunity to continue developing year after year at the Club.
Our project: to train talent.
What we offer?

In our headquarters in Ganapanes, we have professionals who work for the Club to attend and treat the injuries of our players in order to guarantee an optimal recovery and minimize the chances of relapse.
This is a free service within the Club, available three hours per day, three times a week, always by prior appointment (through the Category Coordinator).

The Coordinator of each category, together with the coaching staff of the player’s team, are responsible for getting the player back to strength after an injury. This involves a period of rehabilitation to avoid possible relapses before rejoining training sessions with the team.
We also plan informative sessions to prevent possible injuries.

We have the support of a specialized company that will carry out a dynamic study of the footprint at our facilities, free for the player. (If prostheses are recommended, costs will be borne by the families.)
The service can be requested through the Category Coordinator.

Everyone can enjoy tournaments with the Club - some are at home and some away, some are paid and others included in the fee.
The first teams in each category will have a greater load, although ALL players will have the possibility of enjoying tournaments according to their level, offering great benefits for their evolution and development.

Sports psychologist
All teams from Infant to Youth have access to a team of psychologists, in close collaboration with coordinators, coaches and parents.
In addition, we organize workshops and talks in ALL categories to provide a more complete service to all Club families.

Scholarship Department USA
Focused on our players aged 15 - 19, the program helps them qualify for a scholarship in the United States, playing soccer while they study and improve their CV.

Match broadcast
Home games played on Saturday can be recorded and broadcast. We will give priority to the first teams per category, although all the teams in the roster may enjoy matches being broadcast. This service may include a fee.

Photographs of the matches
We publish a yearbook at the end of the season as a souvenir, covering all teams.

Goalkeeping coaching
Given the importance of the goalkeeper position, we provide professionals who can motivate and improve the performance of our goalkeepers through dedicated coaching sessions.

Evaluations and
individual follow-up
With Coordinators giving feedback, we support the development of our players with bi-annual meetings at defined times (or as necessary, by appointment).

Physical Preparation Department
Directed by professionals from CAFyD, we seek to improve the physical form of our players and improve overall fitness.

We provide post-match analysis for our younger players to improve their tactical awareness and help them better understand the game.

Technique Training
Specific days for those who want to improve their technique and advance more quickly.

Offering advice before each game and also through consultations by appointment through the Coordinator.

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